Women supporting women

through education and

radical self care techniques.


Maha Mama was created to assist and elevate those that raise our future, mothers. We leverage your practice of yoga, mindfulness, and holistic health to live a more empowered life so you can take back the feminine divine.

For mamas or expectant mothers, we will guide you from conception to parenting and support a strong self care routine, a supple body and a calm mind, with tools to carry on to your children. Our offerings are prenatal and mama and baby yoga classes plus urban retreats just for moms.

For future teachers, our trainings combine cutting edge science and proven studies with ancient spiritual practices to support all mothers. With our fierce commitment to community and social justice, we connect our teachers and students with circles that are inclusive and brave. 

A content, supported and connected mother inspires happy and healthy babies which spawns a powerful, more-connected, intentional and vibrant life for all. 

Maha Mama is a prenatal yoga teacher training program based in New York City and dedicated to serving communities who need it most. A portion of your tuition goes to Choices in Childbirth and Planned Parenthood where valuable services are often offered on a sliding scale.